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Yuri Empire
Yuri Empire

Yuri Empire

271 Chapters 7.1K Views 58 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Horaiji Yuri lives every day while hiding her character ofbeing homosexual. Yuri exposes her propensity only inthe MMO-RPG called «Atros Online». Inthe game, Yuri presides over aguild called «Yuri Empire», aguild consisting of359 very cute NPC girls underher. After finishing her daily work, interacting and healing time with the girls every night inthe game was the happiest time for Yuri.

However, one day, Yuri ishit byher car and moves toanother world.

(Ifpossible Iwanted tostay with mybeloved children alittle more)

Inher fading consciousness, the last wish ofYuri isfulfilled. The next time she woke up, she was beside her beloved «wife» inthe game.

Yuri’s heart isnaturally pulled bythe tendency ofthe in-game character «Yuri».

For their beloved master and bring their guild name «Yuri Empire» into reality, the 359 NPC subordinates, the «wife», implicitly deepen their collusion. Overwhelmingly strong people with max level and pay towin equipment start tomove inthe different world.

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