The more followers aDeity has, the more powerful hebecomes!
YuSheng’an who receives the Contract Divinity accidentally, has toevade the other deities who are hunting for him, while gaining enough power toreturn home.
Hence, hecomes upwith anidea, «There’s noneed topreach. Isn’t that the same old maneuver the Internet uses togain and expand their userbase back home?»
See how hegains power and followers inthe magical world with:
Social media accounts; Short video downloads; Q&A online platform; Live broadcast; E-commerce.
Then, watch him unleash the users onthose deities asheoverthrows their heresy!
YuSheng’an who receives the Contract Divinity accidentally, has toevade the other deities who are hunting for him, while gaining enough power toreturn home.
Hence, hecomes upwith anidea, «There’s noneed topreach. Isn’t that the same old maneuver the Internet uses togain and expand their userbase back home?»
See how hegains power and followers inthe magical world with:
Social media accounts; Short video downloads; Q&A online platform; Live broadcast; E-commerce.
Then, watch him unleash the users onthose deities asheoverthrows their heresy!
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