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Tsundere Campus Goddess and Rogue Master
Tsundere Campus Goddess and Rogue Master

Tsundere Campus Goddess and Rogue Master

28 Chapters 42 Views 17 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Wang Xiao was compelled to descend from the mountain by his master, with his intrinsic energy cloistered, and a lovely woman erroneously believing him to be her betrothed. In a bid to safeguard his mistakenly assigned fiancée, he resolved to remain in the school teeming with enchanting beauties. With the same intent to defend his intended, he managed to transform the currents of power within the city. The Latest Updates Tsundere Campus Goddess and Rogue Master – C28 C28 - Breaking into the Chen CorporationOn the street, a handsome young man in casual clothes was walking slowly with a beautiful girl in his arms.The beautiful girl's face was pale, and her long eyelashes were tightly shut, as if she had fainted."Mm… Where is this place?"At this moment, Tong Waner, who was in Wang Xiao's arms, slowly opened her starry eyes and murmured. Wang Xiao was compelled to descend from the mountain by his master, with his intrinsic energy cloistered, and a lovely woman erroneously believing him to be her betrothed. In a bid to safeguard his mistakenly assigned fiancée, he resolved to remain in the school teeming with enchanting beauties. With the same intent to defend his intended, he managed to transform the currents of power within the city.

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