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Transform into a magical girl after getting off work
Transform into a magical girl after getting off work

Transform into a magical girl after getting off work

184 Chapters 367 Views 26 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Lin Yun, 36 years old, a widower, a mid-level manager in a private enterprise, is a single father, who has recently felt that he is encountering a mid-life crisis.

Professionally, he faced adversity; domestically, he was in a cold war with his 14-year-old daughter; physically, he suffered from periarthritis and spoke daily of his agony.

In the past few days, he had also uncovered a secret — his daughter was being a "Magic" girl.

With the body of a young maiden, she battled extraordinary monsters and protected the city from attacks — this is the common perception of a "Magic" girl.

But he was very aware that being a "Magic" girl came with life-threatening dangers.

Should he stop her, or respect his daughter’s choice and find other ways to protect her?

Gazing at the Heart Flower in his wardrobe, now covered in dust, Lin Yun, the former "Magic" girl who retired 19 years ago, was facing the third major decision of his life.

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