Transcension Academy
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Seo-Joon, who had been working to save money in order to pay off his dead parents’ debt and attend a hunter academy, ended up needing to spend all his savings on a surgery due to an unfortunate accident.
In his moment of despair, a weird advertisement played.
[You can also become an awakener!]
He decided to register since he had nothing else to lose.
[Mr. Kim Seo-Joon, welcome to Transcension Academy.]
This hunter academy is on a completely different ‘dimension’ than the rest!
In the age of private hunter education, you can also become a ‘transcender.’
In his moment of despair, a weird advertisement played.
[You can also become an awakener!]
He decided to register since he had nothing else to lose.
[Mr. Kim Seo-Joon, welcome to Transcension Academy.]
This hunter academy is on a completely different ‘dimension’ than the rest!
In the age of private hunter education, you can also become a ‘transcender.’
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