This is a Miracle
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For twenty years, Bai Luo had been thinking that he had been reincarnated in an ordinary world, until one day, a black book appeared in his mind.
“Is there magic in this world?”
Facing Bai Luo’s question, uncle Saros decisively said: “No.”
“But there are miracles.”
“What is a miracle?”
“It can be a sword that can release flames or a pot that can create gold”
“It can be a beautiful girl that was born from a fruit.”
“She can control fog, manipulate storms, and dominate lightning.”
Bai Luo slapped the table and shouted
“That is definitely magic!”
Uncle Saros said,
“This is really a miracle.”
Many years later, Bai Luo looked at the magnificent scenery of the country he had built. He agreed with what uncle Saros said,
“This is a miracle…”
“Is there magic in this world?”
Facing Bai Luo’s question, uncle Saros decisively said: “No.”
“But there are miracles.”
“What is a miracle?”
“It can be a sword that can release flames or a pot that can create gold”
“It can be a beautiful girl that was born from a fruit.”
“She can control fog, manipulate storms, and dominate lightning.”
Bai Luo slapped the table and shouted
“That is definitely magic!”
Uncle Saros said,
“This is really a miracle.”
Many years later, Bai Luo looked at the magnificent scenery of the country he had built. He agreed with what uncle Saros said,
“This is a miracle…”
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