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This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected
This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

283 Chapters 2.8K Views 206 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Levels. Skills. Dungeons.

As a nineteen year old living in modern society, these are terms Zoey is aware of. But had she ever expected to experience these videogame abstractions in the literal sense? To struggle through monster-infested realms, earning skills, casting spells, and acquiring rare and magical items?

Obviously not.

And more than the strange environment she finds herself in, Zoey contends with the bizarre reality of her class. Of being summoned by a sensual, perverted goddess who has gleefully bestowed a throbbing length between Zoey’s legs, then sent her off with a single unhelpful instruction: to save the world, and ascend to divinity while doing so.

It’s all a bit much.

But with so many cute girls to lay conquest to, and a new piece of equipment to help her along the way … well, things could be much, much worse.

Updates Tuesday and Saturday at 8:20 PM EST.

❤ = Bulk of the chapter is erotica.

❤❤ = Same, but with content warnings

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