The Terminally Ill Young Master is the Mad Dog of the Underworld
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When Allen Vert, the terminally ill heir of a noble family, awoke from a fever, he realized he was the reincarnation of Karzan, the mad dog who once roamed the Underworld.
...But something was definitely off with this household.
“Allen, every noble needs secrets and shadows.”
His scheming brother's grip tightening on him with sinister plots layered one after another.
“Lately, I hear you’ve been up to some interesting things.”
The watchful eyes and ears of the powerful family head lurking everywhere, keeping tabs on his every move.
“…When am I going to see Mother?”
His mother, broken in spirit and living in seclusion, feeling like a distant hope.
‘But that’s fine.’
Karzan may have failed, but Allen Vert’s path is just beginning.
“Two lives, two revenges.”
No mercy.
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