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The Swordmaster Who Returned After 1,000 Years
The Swordmaster Who Returned After 1,000 Years

The Swordmaster Who Returned After 1,000 Years

106 Chapters 807 Views 83 Bookmarked Ongoing Status



[By the Author that brought you 'Martial God Regressed to Level 2'] The Swordmaster, who unified the continent and vanquished the Demon King with nothing but his sword, thought he would live out his days peacefully in a world of tranquility. One day, however, he awakens 1,000 years later in the body of a distant descendant. In a world where magic is now held in higher regard than the sword, the empire has crumbled, and the imperial lineage has fallen into ruin. 'More importantly, what is this pathetic excuse for a body?' He now inhabits the body of Kaylen, once known as a 'walking slime'. With the demonic realm invading once again, he makes a vow: 'Since I've mastered the sword, I might as well master magic too.' Thus begins the return of a transcendent being, armed with unparalleled magic and absolute swordsmanship, destined to save the world! - Quality Fan Translations, Made by Fans for the Fans - The Swordmaster Who Returned After 1,000 Years

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