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The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class
The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

90 Chapters 2K Views 27 Bookmarked Completed Status


Noel, ayouth who admires his grandfather, who was hailed asahero, and aspires tobethe strongest Seeker.

But his Job that appeared inthe appraisal, was the support class Talker.

Talker isapeaky job with the weakest individual abilities. Ajob that could never become the strongest.

「If Icreate the strongest clan and become the clan master, then I’ll essentially bethe strongest」

Thinking that, Noel worked hard persistently tofulfill his ambition.

Onthe other hand, the merciless methods heemployed for the sake ofhis ambition were acknowledged byeveryone asthe path of『evil』.

However, Noel’s distinct talent attracted many powerful people and they began togather under him……

This isthe story ofhow the most evil Talker, who seeks tobethe strongest, subdues his allies and creates the strongest clan inthe world.

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