The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire
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The killing of one makes one a criminal, but the killing of thousands makes one a hero. The slaughter of nine million makes one a hero among heroes. Watch me slaughter all worlds, and create an empire that will transcend all time and space.
Zhong Yu: “I’m someone who will become the Emperor of Heaven!”
In this vast country, the nation is divided into kingdoms of men, sub-states, states, principalities, duchies, kingdoms, and empires, all of which follow strict hierarchies. How does the protagonist, who aims to be Emperor of an unparalleled empire, set up and develop his nation?
Zhong Yu: “I’m someone who will become the Emperor of Heaven!”
In this vast country, the nation is divided into kingdoms of men, sub-states, states, principalities, duchies, kingdoms, and empires, all of which follow strict hierarchies. How does the protagonist, who aims to be Emperor of an unparalleled empire, set up and develop his nation?
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