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The Returnee's Hidden Strategy Stream
The Returnee's Hidden Strategy Stream

The Returnee's Hidden Strategy Stream

47 Chapters 357 Views 57 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


[Regression: 31 times] [Possession: 17 times] [Reincarnation: 7 times] Kang Hanbit endured 55 cycles of regression and reincarnation, dragged to the brink by the Goddess. Just before his 56th journey, he gets sent back to reality, only to find his life intertwined with a game called the 'Record Project.' But wait—this game's world is identical to the other world? The 56th journey, which had yet to begin, now continues in the form of a game. - Quality Fan Translations, Made by Fans for the Fans - The Returnee's Hidden Strategy Stream

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