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The Return of the Legendary All-Master
The Return of the Legendary All-Master

The Return of the Legendary All-Master

213 Chapters 2.7K Views 148 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The first-ever virtual reality game, New World. {The time has come.} {Synchronization starts.} That marked the beginning of the catastrophe. As the game became reality, the Earth began to crumble. However, there was hope. All-Master Jeong-hoon, who had survived until the very end, was just one step away from finishing the game. 'Gah!' But ended up being betrayed by his comrades. 'Should I say, from the moment you said you wanted to end this game?' The reason for their betrayal was simple, if the game ended, their power would disappear. The moment they thought it was all over. [An unknown mysterious force is protecting you.] [An unknown mysterious force is sending you back to the past.] [Warning! The system attempts to intervene… failed.] [Warning! Warning! The system attempts to intervene… failed.] [Warning! Warning! Warning! The system attempts to intervene… failed.] [An unknown mysterious force dissipates.] Thanks to that unknown force, he returned to the past. - Quality Fan Translations, Made by Fans for the Fans - The Return of the Legendary All-Master

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