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The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations
The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations

The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations

88 Chapters 855 Views 72 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations Light Novel A Rogue Guard in a Medieval Fantasy Novel, Roguish Guard in a Medieval Fantasy Novel, The Chaotic Guard Captain in a Fantasy World Novel, The Rogue Captain of the Guards in a Medieval Fantasy World Novel, 중세 판타지 속 망나니 경비조장 Description: One of the seven strongest people on the continent, the King of Mercenaries. He started a war to avenge his fallen family and destroyed territory but failed and lost his life. However… “Wow, I’m alive?” I returned to the past, back through time. A perfect opportunity to right my regrets and reverse everything. It doesn’t matter if people around me point fingers, calling me a scoundrel, or dismiss me as tr*sh. Because… “I’ve got a plan.” “What plan?” “A plan to destroy everything.” There won’t be a second failure. This time, I’ll wipe out all my enemies. …But first, I need to rebuild this damn estate.

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