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The Non-Human Society
The Non-Human Society

The Non-Human Society

156 Chapters 100 Views 27 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The Non-Human Society is a shell of its former self. Its members are scattered and in hiding, and few if any have the will to fight any longer.

Joining the Society, Renn has a single goal. To no longer be alone. Yet her membership comes at a price.

Renn joins Vim, the Societies Protector, in hopes of preserving the last chance she has at finding a home and a place to belong.

What to expect?

- An immersive world-building and character focused story!

- A typical, but fleshed out, low-fantasy world. Regrettably, the only numbers that go up here are the chapter and word counts...! And my debt, but let's not talk about that.

- A more down to earth, sometimes somber story. But there is hope!

- A huge world to get lost in. Lots of content. Over 1M words written already!

- Side-Stories! Now released once a month.

- A tiny sliver of my heart... forever yours!

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