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The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse
The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

129 Chapters 1.1K Views 62 Bookmarked Ongoing Status



The impostor Necromancer, with inferior forces, is hunted and rejected by others.

The genuine Necromancer, with countless skeletons, becomes a ruling sovereign.

After obtaining the Double Doors, Wu Heng discovered that his world was overrun with zombies.

Plan A failed, and thus began the implementation of plan B for survival.

Wu Heng chose to become a ‘Necromancer.’

Summoning undead is forbidden in this alien world? The post-apocalyptic planet is full of potential soldiers.

Impossible to survive in a zombie-filled world? Then let me live and learn skills in this alien realm.

Hence, an undead army armed with modern weaponry made its debut in this world.

A calamity engulfs the world, a million skeletons rise.

The Dead Bone Dragon, Undead King.

(Double Doors + Necromancer + Magic + Fantasy World + Undead Catastrophe.)

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