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The Legend of William Oh
The Legend of William Oh

The Legend of William Oh

47 Chapters 62 Views 22 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Listen here, because I've seen it with my very own eyes.

William Oh was born on the hundredth floor of The Tower, to the greatest Climbers of the ancient world, steeped in the Tower's lethal miasma from the moment he drew breath, giving him strange and unnatural powers.

They say he is an immortal being who circles the dreams of mortal men, resurfacing wherever the need is greatest. Those who disparage him will fall into despair, but if you're a Climber in a tight scrape, look to the sky and say a little prayer.

Maybe he will appear?

Odds are probably better if you pay for my drink.

- Rumor overheard on a 1st Floor Tavern. Originator did not pay his tab.

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