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The Game at Carousel: A Horror Movie LitRPG
The Game at Carousel: A Horror Movie LitRPG

The Game at Carousel: A Horror Movie LitRPG

305 Chapters 17.7K Views 65 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Could you survive a horror movie?

That's the question Riley must answer after he and his friends get lured to Carousel, a malevolent town where horror movies come to life.

Riley thinks he is in big trouble when he is assigned the Film Buff archetype, a minor support class that has a penchant for dying early in movies. At first resigned to his fate to die over and over, he believes he has found a way to survive. Upon obtaining the Oblivious Bystander trope, monsters and killers will not harm him as long as he can convincingly pretend he has not noticed them. At first, this ability appears to be a joke, but Riley thinks that with some clever exploitation, it might just be his greatest strength.

What to expect:

-Strategic gameplay and clever uses of movie tropes to survive

-Perilous storylines right from your favorite horror movies

-Creative Twists of Classic Horror Movie tropes

-Moderate stats-based combat and strategy


Schedule: Mon-Fri

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