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The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor
The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor

The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor

50 Chapters 258 Views 50 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor Light Novel Description: The inquisitors are the Pantheon’s specialized disposal team, handling the dirtiest jobs in the lowest and shadiest places. I, who had to sacrifice myself for a job that someone needed to do, was given an unwanted second chance. “Although today is like this, ‘tomorrow’ we can do a bit better, right?” “Of course. We’ll do well.” The world was destroyed. But now, only the world I remember will be like that. At this moment, what I need to do from ‘tomorrow’ has been decided. Other Title: 회귀 이단심문관의 악마 사냥법, Demon Hunt of the Regressed Inquisitor

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