Kevin Beischel was a renowned scientist in Serein City. He was a werewolf specialist who lost his parents because of werewolves. On a fateful night, he met an annoying man who tested his patience. The relationship between him and the man gradually developing, but he didn't know that the other man was a werewolf. Meanwhile, the werewolf clan was planning to conquer mankind. All werewolves had red eyes, but there was a prophecy about a blue-eyed werewolf that would help them to defeat humans. But, the blue-eyed werewolf in the prophecy was just a young girl who lived in an orphanage. She was the one who was growing up with Kevin and had a place as a younger sister in Kevin's heart. The situation grew tenser when Kevin finally learned the truth. It was getting worse when the blue-eyed girl in the prophecy finally fell into the werewolves’ hands. Moreover, there was a secret behind a secret, there was a conspiracy behind a conspiracy. How would Kevin overcome the tribulations? Would his love help him to save the world? It's not an ordinary werewolf story!
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