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The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms
The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

519 Chapters 31.2K Views 131 Bookmarked Completed Status


LuZixin has aBlack Technology Chat Group ofthe Ten Thousand Realms , and the group members are the science and technology giants ofthe world.

Tony Stark : «Group owner, Iwill send this War Machine Mark IIArmor toyou!»

Red Queen : «Group owner, doyou want totry the latest Tvirus ?»

Skynet : «Group owner, where isyour world? Iamgoing todestroy it.»

Bruce Wayne : «The Batmobile issimply used topick upgirls and today Ihave agreat girl. Doyou want tosee it?»

Vega Punk : «Recently synthesized anew demon fruit, does the group want totry anexperiment ?»

Little Spidey : «Idon’t care, Idon’t care, donot send methe red envelope, Iwill retreat!»

LuZixin : «Agroup oflawless people, becareful with me!»

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