“Are you satisfied now? I will destroy you as you wish.”
I possessed the body of a female lead in an R-19 novel that was the apex of tragedy, “The Flower of Destruction.”
In a novel that is based on r*pe, outdoor play, multiple people, and more—there is no play that does not appear.
“Sorry… I’m sorry. I don’t want to live like that anymore.”
But, it was fine.
I was a genuine M.
I possessed the body of a female lead in an R-19 novel that was the apex of tragedy, “The Flower of Destruction.”
In a novel that is based on r*pe, outdoor play, multiple people, and more—there is no play that does not appear.
“Sorry… I’m sorry. I don’t want to live like that anymore.”
But, it was fine.
I was a genuine M.
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