Aperson wakes uponacertain day, his memories regarding the past all lost— anenigma toberealised.
Fortunately, itdoesn’t seem like itwould take him long todoso, asamystical individual appears and leads him tothe beginning ofapath filled with mysteries.
Onthis path, hecontinues tounveil more and more ofhis forgotten past.
Alas, his path isthat ofanindividual that lacks morality and virtue, acquiring what heseeks through any means available and overcoming all who stand inhisway.
Fortunately, itdoesn’t seem like itwould take him long todoso, asamystical individual appears and leads him tothe beginning ofapath filled with mysteries.
Onthis path, hecontinues tounveil more and more ofhis forgotten past.
Alas, his path isthat ofanindividual that lacks morality and virtue, acquiring what heseeks through any means available and overcoming all who stand inhisway.
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