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Surviving the Game as a Barbarian
Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

422 Chapters 9.2K Views 85 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


I couldn’t even clear the 2D version, now to clear the game in reality?

Maybe I’ll have to live here for the rest of my life.

Well, even that won’t be easy.

– A player found himself in the game, Dungeon and Stone, as a savage barbarian.

To keep his secret, he must become the mask – must make himself be seen as more savage, more fearless than any others – a paragon of his race in the eyes of the whole world.

Back on earth, in the empty darkened room, the quiet computer again began to whir. Text began to appear on the black screen.

「Synchronization complete. 」

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