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Super Shura System
Super Shura System

Super Shura System

40 Chapters 159 Views 26 Bookmarked Ongoing Status



In the dim light of a worn-out stable, Sheng Yuduo awakens in agony, barely able to comprehend his dire situation. Originally a loser on Earth with no money, no home, and no girlfriend, Sheng Yuduo finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the body of the youngest son of the Rosewall Patriarch on the Divine Martial Continent. However, his new life is far from privileged; born of a lowly servant girl, Sheng Yuduo is cursed with a rare and worthless white root bone, making him incapable of cultivation in a world where martial prowess dictates one's fate. As Sheng Yuduo grapples with the harsh realities of his new life, he must navigate the treacherous path laid before him. Will he find a way to defy his fate and rise above his cursed existence? The Latest Updates Super Shura System – C2 C2 - The System Was Activated!Sheng Yuduo was kicked by Tongdan. He laid on the ground and looked at Tongdan with hatred in his eyes. Tongdan stepped on his head.Tongdan scolded, "I kicked you because I thought you were not bad. Do you have any objections? Do you think you are really the young master? Do you believe that I will stomp you to death?" In the dim light of a worn-out stable, Sheng Yuduo awakens in agony, barely able to comprehend his dire situation. Originally a loser on Earth with no money, no home, and no girlfriend, Sheng Yuduo finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the body of the youngest son of the Rosewall Patriarch on the Divine Martial Continent. However, his new life is far from privileged; born of a lowly servant girl, Sheng Yuduo is cursed with a rare and worthless white root bone, making him incapable of cultivation in a world where martial prowess dictates one's fate. As Sheng Yuduo grapples with the harsh realities of his new life, he must navigate the treacherous path laid before him. Will he find a way to defy his fate and rise above his cursed existence?

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