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Starting from the Planetary Governor
Starting from the Planetary Governor

Starting from the Planetary Governor

46 Chapters 351 Views 65 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The empire’s territory encompasses endless stars. In this dark and terrifying distant future, there is only unending war… Gu Hang has become the governor of a wasteland planet, where previous governors were executed for failing to pay the tithe on time.

Monsters and wasteland storms run rampant, the surviving factions are locked in intrigue, technology is backward, productivity is low, evil gods are reviving, and the green-skinned Orcs have taken root…

“Don’t panic just yet, let’s check the panel.”


Starting as a planetary governor, build a fleet that spans the galaxy, suppress all aliens, heretics, traitors, and Chaos demons!

Although I have privately formed a battle group, funded Battle Maid, intercepted Imperial taxes, and ignored orders…

I know I am absolutely loyal!

What traitor? This is clearly the Third Empire!

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