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Skill Creation in the Fantasy World
Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

32 Chapters 1.3K Views 113 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Imagine a system that would let you create any skill you could imagine. Being the best at whatever you dreamt of becoming.

Felix, who thought his whole life would remain average and ordinary despite hating it gets an unescapable chance to encounter the Legendary Truck-kun. Knowing it was a chance to change his life, which was a repeat of struggle every day, he happily accepted his ticket to Isekai.

Waking up in the body of a wounded boy in a fantasy world, the boy finds out that his fate seems miserable. After nearly experiencing something worse than death, he finally awakens the Great Skill Creation System.

Creating skill after skill that lets him achieve his goal, Felix treads upon the darkest of secrets and conquers a myriad of worlds with his trustful comrades. Watch how he changes the fates of everyone and the universe on his mystical journey.

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