What isstrength beforeme? What istalent beforeme? What are you--before me?
IamChaos, The Destroyer ofworlds, The God ofCombat, The Purple Demon, The Akashic Eye.
Doyou want tobelikeme? Itwasn’t aneasy feat. How tobeabadass? Ican’t teach you that for Iwas born that way.
Okay, Iwill compromise and teach you this time, but beware, the way ofabadass isfilled with obstacles.
What are you waitingfor? Read mybook.
*Sighs* Iamtoo lonely. Isthis what itmeans tobeunparalleled? Iguess Iwill take anap now.
When will that youngster finish reading mybook? Don’t keep mewaiting too long, younglad.
IamChaos, The Destroyer ofworlds, The God ofCombat, The Purple Demon, The Akashic Eye.
Doyou want tobelikeme? Itwasn’t aneasy feat. How tobeabadass? Ican’t teach you that for Iwas born that way.
Okay, Iwill compromise and teach you this time, but beware, the way ofabadass isfilled with obstacles.
What are you waitingfor? Read mybook.
*Sighs* Iamtoo lonely. Isthis what itmeans tobeunparalleled? Iguess Iwill take anap now.
When will that youngster finish reading mybook? Don’t keep mewaiting too long, younglad.
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