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Reset: DPS to Support?!
Reset: DPS to Support?!

Reset: DPS to Support?!

229 Chapters 4.9K Views 25 Bookmarked Completed Status



Atthe top ofthe food chain ofthe game DPS, Zayden isrenowned for his mastery ofitwith his character 'Shinto'. Hehas excellent control, real-time decision making, skills inthe world background, and most importantly, passion.

However, dishing out top damage inRaids day after day, doing excellently inmatches and PVE, the game became awalk inthe park for the young man.

«I’m sick ofall ofthis,» Zayden said…

Hemight aswell befree right?

And that’s what hegot.

Though who knew what happened after that would change his entire character?

From aDPS toaSupport?!

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