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Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer
Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer

Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer

42 Chapters 1.4K Views 50 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


“Delete my game account and have a mansion on the outskirts of the city?”

Am I being treated as an abandoned dog? How laughable!

Former Vice Guild Leader of a Super Guild in the game Divine World, Xu Feng, was ultimately discarded.

Despite pouring his heart and soul into the Reaver Guild, Xu Feng found himself no better than a discarded stray.

Luckily, fate had other plans for him. Upon falling asleep at night, Xu Feng miraculously found himself to be reincarnated.

“You people will soon regret your choices,” Xu Feng fixed the position of his glasses and ensured they would pay the price.

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