Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Light Novel Description: Born amidst the battlefield, he died without ever having the chance to fully develop his talents. But when he opened his eyes, he found himself reborn as the youngest son of a prestigious count’s family, Dane Sogress. And his talents… were not limited to just one!? Spear fighting, assassination, magic, summoning, and even the swordsmanship that he could never master in his previous life! Amidst the happy family he always longed for, he begins to unleash his endless potential! “Spear fighting! Dane must learn spear fighting!” “Do you not understand how useful stealth and assassination techniques can be?” “Magic is the trend now, Father, Mother!” “If it’s my little brother… summoning would be amazing too…” …Hmm, is this really a happy family? 명가의 역대급 재능천재로 환생했다
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