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Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson
Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

677 Chapters 72.1K Views 276 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


A medical student died because of negligence of the authorities. Later, he is granted a second chance in life with some boons. But being an Otaku and Naruto fan, he chooses to live in the chaotic world of Naruto.

The story will follow canon for the initial part with a new plot. Major changes will reflect in the later part as our MC grows up. The story has strong AU elements and the power scaling is ramped up to explore various foreign elements in Naruto. Everything in its entirety will be a part of the Naruto series with details and speculations of my own.

Note:- The starting 40 chapters or so have poor grammar and various mistakes since I was a new writer back then and lacked experience. But I am working on editing them.

Warning:-I don’t own Naruto or any related stuff except my MC and Original characters and jutsus. (Yep, there are lots and lots of original jutsus in the story.)

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