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Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system
Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

130 Chapters 1.6K Views 55 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Dave died and surprisingly reincarnated with all his memories.

Unfortunately, it seems to be earth. Japan to be specific. Naruki City. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it was on the news or something. Oh well. Worse yet he has to learn Japanese from scratch, he has no special powers or system. What kind of lame reincarnation is this? No isekai, no powers, no system? Why even reincarnate. Also it seems to be the past, no smartphone and computers are backwards as all hell. Things just can't be worse.

That is until he unfortunately dies again. However as he lay there bleeding out and slowly dying he finally realised he wasn't reincarnated on the real Earth. This was the world of Bleach and he was attacked by White and infected by his hollowfication poison. Can't he catch a break? He doesn't even get a chance to become a regular spirit and maybe a Shinigami. Just a mindless hollow.


[Status: Dying/Hollowfication]

[Action: Preserving consciousness]


[Action: Prevent Hollowfication]


[Second Attempt]


[Third Attempt]


[Action abandoned]

[Hollow System Initialised]

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