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Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne
Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

Reborn Before My Husband Ascends the Throne

113 Chapters 2.9K Views 16 Bookmarked Ongoing Status



She opened her eyes to find herself returned to her youth. The world was in turmoil, and her husband was preparing to make a name for himself outside.

In her previous life, she had struggled against this man for a lifetime, exhausted and stifled.

In this life, she pinched the man's young face with a smile: "Go ahead."

Having rolled in the battlefield, fought fiercely in the palace, and competed sharply in the royal court.

In her previous life, she had helped others conquer the world.

In this life, she would conquer the world for herself.

[Note: The husband is not the male lead]

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