Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties
Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster.
The Paru is a peculiar Species that can be found billions of light-years away from Earth, on a small planet covered by strange minerals and crystals. The Parus are peaceful, as they can eat anything. From earth, to minerals, all suits their tastes. Why would such a peaceful Species develop the ability to Evolve by Devouring? The Parus Devour the minerals and crystals, which allow their shells to grow tougher and tougher every day. What happens when a person is Reborn as a Paru? What happens when a Paru isn't seeking a peaceful life, but one filled with adventure, adrenaline-pumping fights, and otherworldly beauties?
The peaceful Species turns into a Calamity feared by this universe, and the next.
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