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Rebirth; I Choose to Love You for an Eternity, my dear.
Rebirth; I Choose to Love You for an Eternity, my dear.

Rebirth; I Choose to Love You for an Eternity, my dear.

24 Chapters 242 Views 46 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


#Forbidden Love, #Sweet, #Doting, #Sweet Revenge

“Why can't they let me go? I have done everything for them! I sacrificed everything, and I gave them everything, even my own eyes... I betrayed the only person who ever loved me! Why are you doing this to me? Why do they have to do this to me? ” Zhou Yuxi, who was blind and crippled, crawled through the floor, she didn't know where to head or where to move to, but she was determined to crawl forward.

She was determined to end this kind of life! She was determined to crawl to the end; she wanted to end all these miseries.

“Just go on as you are going! Your end is just there... Just nearby, go on...” She could hear that voice that she wasn't familiar with and couldn't decipher if it was a female or male! But why was that voice telling her the end was just close by?

Did this mean that she just needed to crawl forward, and she would get to the end?

She struggled but kept moving until she felt she was at the edge of the unknown floor; she didn't stop but crawled forward, only to fall.

“Nooooo! Don't...” She could hear that familiar voice trying to stop her but it was a tad bit too late. She opened her crippled hands trying to feel the fresh air.

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