Liu Yang isayoung mage who managed toawaken his powers later. Because ofthis, hewas considered trash byothers who woke upearlier. Onthe day ofthe awakening ofhis powers, hesummoned abeautiful girl who became his partner.
She was beautiful and powerful, all she did was ahundred times asmuch ashedid, but toher, everything hedid was the most amazing thing inthe world. She didn’t have aname, soLiu Yang gave her that name, Liu Xia.
Liu Xia became his master and taught all the principles ofmagic toLiu Yang, all heneeded toknow, she taught. And the most important thing intraining was her most important principle.
Her principle was: Befrugal when using magic.
Because ofthis, Liu Yang has always used the least amount ofmagic power possible when casting his spells.
Always using this principle inhis training and life, Liu Yang has been nicknamed the Frugal Mage.
She was beautiful and powerful, all she did was ahundred times asmuch ashedid, but toher, everything hedid was the most amazing thing inthe world. She didn’t have aname, soLiu Yang gave her that name, Liu Xia.
Liu Xia became his master and taught all the principles ofmagic toLiu Yang, all heneeded toknow, she taught. And the most important thing intraining was her most important principle.
Her principle was: Befrugal when using magic.
Because ofthis, Liu Yang has always used the least amount ofmagic power possible when casting his spells.
Always using this principle inhis training and life, Liu Yang has been nicknamed the Frugal Mage.
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