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Primordial Soul's Rebirth
Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Primordial Soul's Rebirth

403 Chapters 5.3K Views 268 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Author Note: This story is only for those who like reading about overpowered protagonists, as our MC is going to be more than just overpowered.

He is going to thrash anyone who comes in his way while enjoying his life.

Also, it's a world travel novel; for those who have an interest in world travelling.


The story is about a person who has lived through many lives, seen incredible things, and become one of the strongest if not the strongest beings around. Although he struggles to remember his past, he is determined to grow even stronger by utilizing his personal system as that would bring back his memories. He has one main mission - to enjoy life to the fullest - and he is absolutely committed to achieving it.

Follow through the journey as he becomes the strongest (again?) and regains his memory while also enjoying his life along with his system and some other people.

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