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Porn Star
Porn Star

Porn Star

142 Chapters 11.9K Views 131 Bookmarked Completed Status


Chuck is a renowned hard gangster, always down on his luck with his love life. Even at age 40, Chuck remains a virgin, despite his ardent effort to get a girl to love him. Every time he is about to get laid, some weird twist of fate messes up his shot at losing his V.

Being one of the supreme beings of the planet, he is embroiled in the world of the supernatural and gods, which was too big for his limited mortal strength.

His fate gets tangled with the goddess of porn and the matron Succubus of the seven hells, all three hoping for a chance at survival.

Soon, he understood that the almighty is not all benevolent and quite selfish in nature.

Having been forced into this epoch changing fate and the threat of extremely strong enemies, Chuck walks his own path of power involving sex, obscenity, and adultery.

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