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Inthe days ofthe Primordials, there was alegendary tale that transcends all other tales. This isthe tale ofamother and son who were reincarnated into amighty world ofcultivation after they were brutally killed. They must face many powerful and deadly forces who continued toseek their permanent deaths.
Will they survive orbeforever silenced?
This isthe journey ofayoung mortal cultivator named JuFeng, and his mother called Zhang Xiu Ying, asthey seek their paths ofsurvival naworld filled with extremely powerfu and dangerousl mortals and immortals alike.
Live the story and tell the tale.
This isPathway.
Will they survive orbeforever silenced?
This isthe journey ofayoung mortal cultivator named JuFeng, and his mother called Zhang Xiu Ying, asthey seek their paths ofsurvival naworld filled with extremely powerfu and dangerousl mortals and immortals alike.
Live the story and tell the tale.
This isPathway.
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