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Overpowered Sword
Overpowered Sword

Overpowered Sword

303 Chapters 188 Views 47 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Overpowered Sword Light Novel English Description: The protagonist of a story is always decided from the start. No matter how hard the supporting role tries, they’ll just be a supporting role in the end. Then, a moment came where all of that changed. [Leon, do you think you’re qualified?] The holy sword that was supposed to choose the hero of the oracle came to him. What? You’re untalented, poor, and have no connections? Don’t worry! The hero who can resolve anything with the holy sword is here! “…There was a period when I thought like that too.” This is where Leon’s story as the hero begins. Disciple of the Holy Sword Novel, Leveling up With the Sword Novel, 被圣剑选择的少年Novel, 검빨로 레벨업Novel,

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