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Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita
Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita

Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita

98 Chapters 4 Views 3 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


When I regained consciousness, I found myself in an otome game. I would quickly head towards destruction. It made no difference whether it was a good ending or a bad ending. I became the character known as, “Mariabell Tempest,” the daughter of a pedigree family. Despite possessing an unrivaled level of beauty, I had the worst personality, that of a villainess.

Nevertheless, I was conscious, but was unable to make any actions as I was completely in auto-mode. In the first playthrough, I was extremely flustered; on the second playthrough, I was despairing; by the third round, I had already given up. And now, the fifth round has already ended. For the sixth round, for some reason I had become a young girl and regained the ability to move and talk. Eh, what the heck is this?

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