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Necromancer Supreme System
Necromancer Supreme System

Necromancer Supreme System

118 Chapters 3K Views 36 Bookmarked Completed Status


«Anecromancer can single-handed fight the world and crush it.»— Ibro.

Ibro has finally escaped the tight trap ofdemon clan, time clan, monster clan, and god clan. Hestarts again atZeraxos game world, but this time heisn’t that weak. Hehad asupreme system, Necromancer system. Heisn’t alone, ashehas avillage ofhis own and many friends with other systems and different powers tosupport him.

Join Ibro inhis new adventure, and enjoy the absolute might ofthe Necromancer System.

This ispart 2 ofthe epic story, Rioneed. Toread part 1, see other works ofthe author down below, orsearch for Rioneed.

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