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My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)
My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

71 Chapters 3.2K Views 45 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


2LDK apartment inthe Tokyo metropolitan area, for rent with only 30.000Yen. Crap! Ihave been lured bythe cheap price and made acontract tolive inthe property. Yeah, asexpected itwas ashitty property.

NoGhost came out but aSlime and aGoblin… also aFemale Knight cameout. Although Ijust want tostart apeaceful life alone. AFemale Knight, aMage, and aThief frequented myroom. Dungeons are adangerous place toconquer bythose girls. Ispread traps made bythe items that were bought from adiscount store.

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