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My Ex Broke My Heart, But I'm A Hundred Billion Financial Stock God
My Ex Broke My Heart, But I'm A Hundred Billion Financial Stock God

My Ex Broke My Heart, But I'm A Hundred Billion Financial Stock God

40 Chapters 277 Views 71 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Qin Fan was reincarnated and dumped by the school beauty.

She had no idea that in his previous life, he was a god of the stock market. His net worth was more than 10 billion, and he could weather any financial storm.

In his previous life, he did not care for his younger sister and caused her to fall ill and be hospitalized. Therefore, the heavens gave him a chance to make up for his previous regret. Now, he only wanted to make his younger sister a princess!

In this life, it was not enough for him to have a 10 billion net worth. Even 100 billion was nothing.

He wanted to create the Qin’s First Group and make it the top capital consortium in the world.

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