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Mistress Of The Evil Forest
Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Mistress Of The Evil Forest

165 Chapters 695 Views 85 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


I have been summoned to a game world, a world of swords and magic. Or at least that's what my friend said.

I couldn't care less about that.

But apparently, I can create whatever eldritch creatures I want, even the ones from urban legends and creepypastas.

So what if the people don't like my babies? Screw them.

This is the story of how I accidentally became the last boss of the world.


What to expect:

-Fairly late romance.

-Fairly OP protagonist.

-Potentially large harem. (Will not exceed 7)

Release: Expect 1~5 times a week.

15 advanced chapters on Patreon:

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