Merchant Crab
Follow Balthazar as he does everything to find a baker... except leave his pond, because exploring the dangerous world out there is for suckers. Witness how adventurers just can't seem to stop dying around his home. And cheer for a crab who makes great new friends by simply buying them.
Book 2 is out now, with new chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, fresh off the bakery!
What to expect from this story:
- No harems, not unless they're a harem of gold coins.
- Silliness, lots of it. The story doesn't take itself too seriously, so you shouldn't either.
- The only kind of OP here is how "overpriced" the crab's deals are.
- A system simple enough for a crab to use, but still conveniently complex when necessary, for some odd reason.
- Proper realistic adventurers: they're not very bright, and they make very poor decisions.
- Did I mention there will be pastries?
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