Everyone ofstatus inthe capital has received awarning from Cheng family’s Junye: Junye’s wife isfrom the countryside; she doesn’t understand the circle, doesn’t understand the current circumstances, doesn’t understand the financial markets. Her character isvery… inshort, please excuse me.
Until one day, Junye investigated abig shot, his subordinates looked atthe sockpuppet that had come off her while she said she knew nothing about it… they sank into abewildered silence.
Itwas probably astory oftwo big shots trying tohide their sockpuppets sothat the other didn’t feel inferior.
Until one day, Junye investigated abig shot, his subordinates looked atthe sockpuppet that had come off her while she said she knew nothing about it… they sank into abewildered silence.
Itwas probably astory oftwo big shots trying tohide their sockpuppets sothat the other didn’t feel inferior.
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