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Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World
Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

283 Chapters 1K Views 71 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Hanazawa Hanako was a young otaku girl, technically a hikikomori, a degenerate, and a netizen. She died though. (LOL)

So naturally she got yeeted to a fantasy world to save it from the demon king.

When asked what buff she wanted: ''Just give me the whole Internet then.''


What to expect:

- Protagonist (Female) x Love interests (Futa).

- Submissive protagonist (In bed only).

- Harem, not polyamory.

- Mostly light-hearted and simple storyline.

20 advanced chapters on Patreon:

Cover: Generated using AI, designed by Astreda.

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