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Level Up Family
Level Up Family

Level Up Family

85 Chapters 4K Views 36 Bookmarked Completed Status


Marius Edgewick isaseemingly ordinary office worker. Heisafather oftwo married toagorgeous and mysterious wife. Yet, their family though small and poor, are far from the ordinary, each born with aunique ability tosee stats and level up, blessed with even aspecial skill that isunable tobeutilized inthe current world.

After losing his only job, Marius thought hehad lost all hope ofachieving his single wish: toprotect and provide his family with asuitable lifestyle. However, this all changed when both heand his entire family encountered astrange phenomenon, hurling them into the depths ofaunique fantasy world.

«Father look, Ifound astrange fire breathing rodent.»

«Kill itand give ittoyour mother, wewill beeating itfor dinner.»

«Yes, father!»

With the rodent offire, and fresh air ofthe pure wilds wafting through the wind, thus, began the adventure ofthe world’s most powerful family.

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